主谓一致:就近原则 Or, Either…or,Neither…nor,Not only...but also,There

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主谓一致:就近原则 Or, Either…or,Neither…nor,Not only...but also,There

2024-07-06 15:38| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

★ 要么是他错了,要么是我错了。

★ Either you or she is to go.

★ 要么你去,要么她去。

★ Neither my sisters nor his mother is singing in the pub tonight.

★ 我的姐妹们和他的母亲今晚都不在酒馆里唱歌。

★ Neither Andy nor these boys are to blame.

★ 不该怪安迪,也不该责备这些男孩。

★ Neither Andy nor his parents are at home.

★ 安迪和他的父母都不在家。

★ Not only they but also I am interested in such kind of things.

★ 不仅是他们,我对这种事情也感兴趣。

★ Not only Andy, but also his brothers were arrested.

★ 不仅是安迪,他的兄弟也被逮捕了。

★ Not only you and I but Andy, the top student in our grade is not able to solve this problem.

★ 不仅是你和我,我们年级的尖子生安迪也无法解决这个问题。

◆ When the sentences start with THERE or HERE, the verb agrees with the nearest subject.

◆ 如果句子是由THERE or HERE引导,谓语通常与最邻近的主语一致。

★ There is little administrative support.

★ 行政支持很少。

★ There are many factors affecting teacher retention.

★ 影响教师留任的因素有很多。

★ There is a ruler, two pencils and an eraser on the desk.

★ 桌上有一把尺子、两支铅笔和一块橡皮。

★ There were not only his children but also his wife to consider.

★ 需要考虑的不只是他的孩子还有他的妻子。

★ There are two apples and some bread on the table.

★ 桌子上有两个苹果和一些面包。

★ Here is a book, two pens and four notebooks for you.

★ 这是给你的一本书、两只钢笔和四本笔记本。返回搜狐,查看更多




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